Born: Loxley  April 23rd 2001

Parents: Martin and Fiona Williams.

Age: (2038) 37

Hair: Long red and always in a plait.

Eyes: Blue.

Height: 5ft 5ins.

Build: Plump, she is a very good cook, and samples everything.

             Everyone loves Beth, she is gentle, caring and loving. Beth is big and cuddly, and can produce tears at the drop of a hat, most things move her and she will dab her eyes muttering, "Oh dear look at me, I have no idea why I am crying. I think its something to do with my age."

             Robbie adores his Aunt Beth, she has spent most of his life besides his mum and often ensures he gets a larger portion of pie than others, telling them, "you lot are full grown, this one needs the extra to catch up."

             Although Beth can appear quite dizzy, in matters of the farm she is very shrewd. No one gets a better deal than her, and she runs the field production side of the farm in a very cost effective and efficient manner. Beth has a mind for figures, and when it comes to the accounts, it her who helps Jess balance the books.

            One little seen side of Beth is her ability with a sword, it was by no coincidence the young John Lox noticed her. Beth served as an Arms Man under the instruction of Jake Lox, her ability to give John a good fight with a sword won her great respect in her youth.