Born: Honey Hill Canterbury 2000
Parents: Hilda and Franklin Pickles.
Age: (2038) 38
Hair: Long wild blond mass of curls.
Eyes: Blue grey.
Height: 5ft 3ins (including hair).
Build: Average, worries her bum is too big.
Oooh! Sweethearts, you got on just in time. Robin is such a chicken, and oh so Groovy, but I have to confess, he needs a little advice on style. I mean how wild is this?
I snuck into his office for a peep at the site, and well I have to say, I thought for a moment the poor darling had been Karma chomped. Well look at the other pages, they are not cosmic at all. He is such a love, but as I always say."Like good custard, things in life can never be too thick." So I helped the poor darling and added a few touches to my page, one must look positively groovy now we have all been published.
Oh I almost forgot, Good Morrow my angels, I am Magg's, no one ever calls me Margaret, its not that thrilling. I am the one with the tee pee's, and I have to say you will love what the book reveals about my power over chickens? Me and my harry man have such a ball and its ooh so Groovy and cosmic, you are in for a treat.
I feel I must depart and move to my chickens, there is so much to do these days, and with all the moving about and unradical happenings I will make my way outside and back into the woodland. May you have the most Cosmic and funky time reading, take care and be one with all. Good day my sweet things see you all soon, I think a little tea first!!!!!!
Maggs xxxx