The Footsteps of the Ancient King.

As a young boy, I was captivated by the story of King Arthur, and his knights of the round table. In many ways looking back I can see how a story of a great unifier of people during dark times, would last from the dark ages right through until modern times. The promise of his return to unite and recover this nation if dark times should blight our coasts again, stuck a chord with me, and in many ways, gave me a hope and optimism that in the future, brighter days would arrive.

The story of Arthur was inspiring to many, and has over the years been established in myth and legend, and yet there is a great deal of evidence to show, that during those times of the dark ages and the early medieval era, that there was a figure of great power who shaped the future of this land. Whether or not it was Arthur, or someone likened to him, is not really that relevant, what matters is the symbol of that first one true king, as a figure of great power that united us all in a common goal that led to the survival of the people.

For me as a young lad, it was inspirational, and even now as I age, I find I am still inspired by such an amazing figure head to begin what would become the true lines of all future kings. The idea of one person who stood by us and supported us, and fought for what was right for us and the good of the land, truly is what legends should be.

Gallos – Tintagel Cornwall

I was so enamoured with the tale, that it inspired in me an eight-book series of adventure fantasy books, based on similar principles of one man who would rise to unite us all, in Heirs to the Kingdom. Earlier this year, I had the joy of travelling to Cornwall to see a statue created in honour of Arthur, named Gallos, the traditional Cornish word for power, for that is what a king stood for, the power to protect and the power to defend, whilst standing unwavering against the current events unfolding within the nation.

As a fifty eight year old, standing there beside a statue I had yearned to see, I felt the power of the land below me, in what was the legendary place of Arthur’s birth, Tintagel, and it felt emotional as a huge wave of life long emotion washed a round inside me. I feel it is a moment in my life I will never forget, and in many ways, I could see, that the boy who dreamed of a future held safe by a king had not diminished with age, he was still there alive and well, deep down inside me.

Standing with Gallos

Those times passed away into a future, that was built and moulded around a new rising power, the power of Rome and Christianity, as it increased it’s hold on many continents and arrived again long after the Roman invasion on the boats of William, as he sailed to defeat the last truly Celtic king of this land, King Harold. Christianity has become the bedrock on which modern western civilisation has been built, and shaped the narrative of our societies for hundreds of years, wiping away the truth of the Pagan past and the long-held traditions of its people, one of which was Arthur.

I think it would be fair to say, that over the years, religion combined with monarchs of power, has at times been abusive to the common people. I could list a few who could be blamed for their divisive tactics that tore aspects of this nation apart, and in doing so, brought down the ideals of what the legend Arthur stood for. In my life I have noted many moments where I felt a monarch of the past over reached on their role, and seized power to use and abuse, and I could say the same for organised religion. Even now in this modern time, if you look up the word ‘Pagan’ in the dictionary, you will find its meaning as Heathen, one without religious belief, such is the power of Christianity, and their monarchs of faith.

At times it feels like the power of Arthur has diminished, but in recent days, even though this country feels the sadness, we must look to the long reign of Elizabeth II and see that not all was lost. The passing of her highness the Queen, on September 8th 2022, once again marks another significant change to the future of this noble land. For seventy years she has ruled, and to a degree restored many of the attributes of our lost king of legend Arthur.

Queen Elizabeth was known for her unwavering dedication to her role, of which she administered it with great dignity and efficiency. Her warmth and vast knowledge of past events, gave her a unique wisdom, and within that she has advised Prime Ministers and world leaders for her entire reign. I have met many, who have wished to end the monarchy and do away with the pageantry of our rich historical past, and I have always argued that it should remain as an integral part of the nation and society we live in, as it does date back to those times of a one true king and the knights code that he bestowed upon them.

Queen Elizabeth, I feel was a shinning example of a figurehead whose soul aim was to unite the land around her, I would even argue that she even succeeded where Arthur failed. The monarchy is a symbol of a past that was built around the belief that we should conduct our lives with kindness, honour and respect for all, welcoming them to join with us and work for the common good. Regards of your own personal views about wealth, her devotion to her duty and her relentless energy has been a light that guided her parliament and at times ourselves through what have been at times turbulent years.

She was a remarkable woman, who played a huge role in the creation of the commonwealth, advised our ministers, and took a deep interest in the peace treaty that was signed in Ireland, which when you consider the dark times we encountered back in the seventies, was a hugely significant role and example for her to set. I remember watching the TV in disbelief, as she shook hands with Martin McGuinness on her visit to Ireland after the agreement had been signed. It felt like a monumental moment in history, and as all of the politicians who were involved have stated, it was hugely symbolic act of unification between two deeply divided sides. She wanted peace, she wanted the hate to stop and for everyone to live together in stable communities, and I feel, in that moment, she too matched Arthur in his fight to bring all the clans of this nation together.

Queen Elizabeth II

Queen Elizabeth swore an oath to its people on the day she was crowned, and she never wavered once from it. Like most families, she was also a mother and grandmother, who had all of the same ups and downs as we have, and yet she remained on the ball, and at her post no matter what events shook her family. She promoted this country and brought to it a lot of trade deals, her commonwealth tours always gave this nation the upper hand in its ministerial dealings, and it is easy to forget how very influential she was and how all of us benefitted from the jobs, wealth and prosperity that came to these Isles because of her. Her sense of duty to this nation was deep, as was seen in the final two days of her life, where even though ill, she made sure she was available to meet and endorse a new Prime Minister of her government. She was an icon, and the most famous woman in the world, which is duly noted from the sad messages of love and affection shown to us by every nation on the planet.

Looking back as I sit here, I feel Queen Elizabeth restored something back to the monarchy, that had been tarnished in the past, that linked her back to the early days of the ruling Celts of this land. She restored dignity, duty, compassion, and devotion to her position as ruler. This land has been ruled under her watchful eyes for seventy years, and it has prospered, in relative peace. Unlike a president who can only look back on their position for a couple of terms, she had seventy years of knowledge at her disposal, as she studied the politics of the day, and took great note of the outcomes, always asking her Prime Ministers what affects it would have on the future of the people. All of this nation’s leaders have been grateful recipients of her wisdom and advice as she used examples of leaders such a Churchill to guide their hands in their administering of affairs, I very much doubt, future kings or queens will rule with such dedication as fairly as she has.

1926 – 2022

For the next ten days, we will mourn her loss, and then a new Heir to the Kingdom will rise, and his rule will be judged on her standard. Only time will tell if he can emulate her role, as he has big shoes to fill, but as I think back at this moment, I feel Elizabeth did Arthur proud, and if a day arises where he returns, I am sure he would speak kindly of her, for I feel she followed in his footsteps in the most admirable way.

God Bless Queen Elizabeth II, and long live King Charles III.

Pride in my Heritage.

Uk flagThis weekend we will all mark the celebration of the diamond jubilee of Queen Elizabeth the second, and then within seven days we will enter into the European football championships, and within a few months the nation will rise with pride as we host the Olympic games in our countries capital. It is an astounding combination of events that will all have one central theme, and for myself personally, I think it will be a good thing, all of us no matter what our current situation will have the opportunity to show some national pride.

I say this not as a way of attacking other creeds or cultures, for those who know me, know that I am very much a live and let live kind of person who embraces other creeds and cultures, for I think it is in the knowledge and understanding of others, that we enrich our minds and our own lives.

I will say that one thing that has concerned me for many years, is in the way I feel the culture of being British has slowly eroded away, as many of our traditions have fallen by the way side and we have given up our right to show and celebrate our own culture. It is sad because out of all the nations on this planet, the United Kingdom has indeed a very rich and inspiring past. I am at heart an Englishman, born in Cheshire and very proud of that, it does not mean I am some flag flying thug, who wants to take up arms and rid the country of those who do not share my skin colour or faith. What it does mean is that I am a simple living man who loves the country he lives in, and actually enjoys the diversity of those creeds and cultures that have decided to live on our shores. But the history of this nation is something close to my heart and is indeed something I want to preserve, as I think it is important to all of us, as it has defined who we are, and I think that is something this year more than most, we should celebrate.

We are a very small island and yet we have achieved so much, if you gaze back through time and look at what we have endured, there is a wealth of facts that show the power and resilience of our people. We have been invaded by Rome, and Scandinavia, and mixed with Saxons and Normans as we stood for what we believe in and it gave us a stronger sense of identity, something I think can be attributed to what we now call the war time spirit, that saw us through the trying times of the second world war. It is indeed ingrained into all of us whether we know it or not, and it is something I have woven deeply into the tapestry of the books that I write, for I believe it is something we should give up at our peril.

British Olympic games Logo London 2012I love the admiration that the peoples of America and Canada give out in their patriotism, if you look to the Scots and the Welsh, for years they have fought for the resurrection of their culture and identity, and yet it appears that the English care less for something that should be ingrained in their heart. As a child I danced round the May Pole on May day, most people wore a red rose of St Georges Day, we sang Rule Britannia and the national anthem in school, and at the end of every film at the pictures. At the time I did not understand the significance, but as I have grown older it has become more and more important, because these things provide our sense of history and belonging in our daily lives. I do not believe these to be out dated and racist views, it is our roots that teach us the right path of our future, something again that has become an important theme in my writing, as it is a deeply held belief of my own. My grandfather once told me it was the duty of every Englishman to stand for justice, and fight any injustice he encountered, I can see him now in my mind as he told me, with his stature rising and his face filled with the sense of pride you would see on that of any soldier. For him Queen and country were of the ultimate importance, and nothing would ever shake that belief.

Queen Elizabeth the secondToday in our countries capital we will witness the start of a very historic event, there will be all the pomp and ceremonial pageantry of the past, as our Queen marks her diamond jubilee. I too once thought the monarchy should be let go as we moved towards a republic, it was the ignorance of youth, for today I will celebrate my heritage as an Englishman and pay tribute to my queen, who will match the jubilee of Queen Victoria and by the end of the year surpass her reign and become the longest serving monarch of this country. It will mark yet another milestone in the rich cultural heritage of this country and I will be proud to have been able to witness it.

We have come a long way since the days of the Celts, for it was they who laid the foundations of communities and the identity of those in this land. Since then we have spread from these shores and have been influential in the making of this world, not all we have done we should be proud of, for like all cultures we too have a questionable past, but as a race we have strived together and we have made sweeping changes to the benefit of others. This country has opened its doors and given shelter to many, we have as a single country based in a single faith welcomed and protected those who are not like us, and that too is a very important element of who we have become. It makes me proud to know it is a piece of the puzzle that is my heritage, and for everyone who is born in this land, you too should share that pride.

Great Britain is a small cluster of islands, and yet we still speak out on the world stage with authority. We are renown for the skills of our craftsmen, we are known for our dry sense of fun and humour, we excel in the worlds of arts, our engineers are sought by every nation. We have the greatest system of law and social justice, and have a tradition of pioneering exploration. We once ruled the waves with the best ships of any fleet, and our model of diplomacy has been copied all over the world. Britain’s inventions and pioneers modernised the world we know today, and from our long history of war, we learned to be great at aiding others bring peace and liberty. The thing I love the most is we have a tradition of inspirational writers, and I would hope in time with more practice I could enter that hallowed part of our heritage, who knows? It is an impressive list that goes on and on, and all from this tiny isle surrounded by sea.

There are voices within this country that advise we should play it all down in the name of not offending others, but my argument remains the same. I am proud to be English and a part of the union of this kingdom, I wish no harm or offence to others, as this is deeply personal to me and the land I live on, and I would invite them to join in with me and enjoy this great sense of occasion, and gain a deeper understanding of who I am because of my heritage, discrimination does not live at my address.

The national football team badge of EnglandI do think over the coming year we should raise the flag, support our football and olympic atheletes, and stand for who we are, maybe there is a lesson to be learned from America and we should take a page from their book, and stand unashamed of our heritage and celebrate together as one with great pride. I think not to do so, would be the greatest insult we could pay to those who forged our history and our heritage.